What religion did Jesus profess?
If Jesus Christ walked the earth this day, I am convinced that the so-called Christian churches would consider him to be a Pagan, and they would do him no better than the Jews did. Perhaps they would not bestow upon him again the status of Martyr.
What is accepted as a depiction of him today is largely a product of hundreds of years of corruption by the early Church fathers. Evil has been made to appear Good, and Good to Evil.
Could it be that the Neo-Pagans or Occultists are closer to following in Jesus' footsteps than those who claim his name?
Could you give some support/examples for this? It intrigues me.
I'll do some research for specifics. I generally just shoot off at the mouth and go by my gut instinct, so I wasn't prepared to give references. ;-) Seriously, though, I have heard it suggested that Jesus's relationship to his disciples appears to be following a very eastern pattern, Taoist, Buddhist, or Hindu? Search for "Was Jesus a Buddhist" or "Jesus the Taoist" or "Jesus Through Hindu Eyes" on Google for some ideas.
If you look at the moral principles in the Christian churches, especially historically, you will see a sort of iron fisted political monster.
The modern Pagan movements seem to be more interested in peace, coming to a personal or spiritual understanding of good and evil, and deity, and are less interested in strict doctrine and power struggles. This appears to match with the picture of Jesus we get from the Scriptures.
I think that even this view is very short sighted. If we look at the scriptures that were not included in the canon, there are some outlandish tales of things Jesus did, but there must be some measure of truth in some of those documents. I think Jesus probably did a lot of things that the early Church did not really understand, were possibly ashamed of, and therefore, they focused on those things they considered to be most Holy according to their preconceived ideas from their previous traditions. The popular example today is Jesus being married. Marriage, in the early Church, came to be seen as something that distracts from Piety. Someone who chose to live a celibate life was qualified for the Priesthood and seen as holier than someone with family values. Thus, any references that would implicate Christ in a family situation would be viewed as making him less perfect, and would be embarassing to the Church.
I don't know that we can clearly identify what information has been obscured from us because much of it was probably destroyed.
I will try to find some specifics with references for you, but I will just be poking about Google for them, so I would encourage you to do the same in the meantime.
I assumed you were inferring to my idea on who Jesus really was. You may have been referring to the mix between Good and Evil. If so, I failed to answer your question, so here it is:
I believe God's Good is allowing Freedom. Freedom for us to Choose between Good and Evil is a Godly principle.
Any time you tamper with that freedom againt someone's will, you are trying to stomp out the divine spark within that person, and that is the only Pure Evil.
Almost all "sin" as it is understood, takes away man's freedom to act for himself. Addictions lead to inability to stay under control. God desires all to have a clear mind and be able to use their intelligence (which is the Glory of God) to make decisions.
Even if you look at ideas as obscure as Scientology, (Hubbard's sci-fi religion!) they are imbued with at least this truth. Hubbard terms it the Reactive mind and the Analytical mind. The reactive mind is filled with negative engrams (programmed responses, made from memories), and it simply reacts to things, instead of analyzing them and acting intelligently upon them.
Do things act upon you, or do you act upon things? If you act upon things, you are using God's gift in the best way. If things just act upon you, you are under some degree of bondage, possibly self imposed.
Not all bondage is bad. You can program your mind to respond in a good way: Touching something hot, your instinct to pull away is positive, because it protects you. Or, learning to say no to Drugs is another positive example, as it helps you keep your body functioning properly.
To be GOOD in the way that God is Good, you must permit Evil to exist as a possibility. I extend this view to almost every sphere, including controversies such as gay marriage, or abortion. Gay marriage I see a a permissible thing, whether or not I view it as a sin. You must let those consenting parties choose for themselves, otherwise you are hurting their spark. What good does it do to stomp it out, it doesn't make them any more Holy if they are forced to avoid a union against their will.
Abortion, on the other hand, I see as True Evil, because it terminates a child's life against its will. The would-be mother is imposing her will on the child unrighteously.
The True Good and True Evil go a step beyond whether the obvious action is good or evil.
The horrid acts done in the name of Christianity of the centuries were evil, only because they wanted to use tyranny to force their beliefs upon others or take their lives as consequence of failing to do so.
I am not endorsing a free-for-all. I am saying the purpose of Law, Divine or Civil, should be primarily to prevent anyone from being stripped of their human rights.
Oh, I was referring to the pagan Jesus idea, not the Good/Evil thing, with which I heartily agree. You sound rather libertarian. Am I right?
Hmmm, I don't know ;-) I hope you don't get me in trouble here by going too much into politics and my own religion, but I'll go ahead and venture into it... My politics are closely attuned to Early Latter-day Saint ideals as well as those of Freemasonry (which are very similar in philosophy, and both of which claim not to endorse any party). I believe the Republican party was originally created for the express purpose of destroying the Mormon Church (their first ever platform, when they were formed in the late 1850s was to stop the twin barbarisms of Polygamy and Slavery. Guess who the only group practicing polygamy was?) and I believe they have almost succeeded in eating the Church from the inside. There is also evidence of a Whig conspiracy in the Martyrdom of Joseph the Prophet, and interpreting that situation as a political assassination of a Presenditial candidate rather than a religious Martyrdom. Many Whigs went on to become Republicans as the revised party system evolved.
I'm not really aligned strongly to any political party, mostly because I haven't spent the time to get to know the intricacies of them beyond their stereotypes. Quite frankly, I use most of my spare time thinking about religion and don't have much left to devote to politics.
I was more referring to your overall political philosophy than your affiliation. I don't follow politics, either.
Jesus might take revenge from Children of Israel coz of their bad behavior with him and killing his cousin Jhon and his Dad Zacriah:>
Jesus would folow same religion introduced by Adam which then forwarded to Noah and then Abraham.
p.s: how did you get address of my blog?
Adnan -
The religon Adam had set up was completely changed by the time Jesus came along, it *had* been 4000 years, after all. The isrealite practices had become corrupted even from the time of Moses and his setting up of the tabbernacle. Remember how Jesus chased the money changers from the temple? He wasn't just doing that for fun, they didn't belong there, and he was telling them so.
I found your blog while surfing on Technorati, where you had posted a comment, I agreed with what you said, so I clicked the link you gave to your blog.
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